Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ike-isms (or “Terms That Blew Out of the Hurricane”)

After living through Category 2 Hurricane Ike, seven days without power (we were lucky – some are still without at 14 and counting), mosquitoes as big as hummingbirds and consuming more meat than Dr. Atkins, I thought this glossary of terms was applicable….

Power Envy – The completely draining, pit-of-the-stomach feeling one gets at the realization that the across-the-street neighbors have power, but you don’t. Side effects sweating and the urge to break something.

Power Guilt – The guilty feeling one gets upon finally having power reinstated before your friends and neighbors.

Hurricane Hair – Complete lack of styling of one’s hair due to lack of power and/or water; serves as a quick visual ID of who has power and who doesn’t.

“PC” Legs – Having nothing to do with political correctness, this affliction happens when one’s legs become pin cushions for mosquitoes.

Worker Worship – The uncontrollable urge to bow in honor (or get down on one’s knees and beg) at the utilities professionals working in the neighborhood.

Line Fatigue – The exhaustion a body experiences after being in a seemingly unending line for ice, gasoline and 4-way stops.

Shingle Shock – Unexpected and very quick anxiety one experiences at the sight of partially-left roofs OR the cost to replace them.

Floodge – The sludge that is left behind in a house after it had flooded.

Tree-ning – A phenomena where groups of trees are all leaning the same direction from the triple-digit MPH winds.

Storm Stench – The aromatic scent that comes from lack of showering, due to no water after the storm.

Withdrawl-Mart – The intense need for Wal-Mart to open again.

Friday, September 12, 2008

More Haiku (I know, I know)

Blowing wind, wet heat;
Waiting for Ike, please be kind;

McCain picks woman;
Sarah Palin intrigues us.
Just win in the Fall.

Can I Save Face With a Facebook Addiction?!?

A friend of mine invited me to join "Facebook." It sounds harmless enough and let's face it (really, no pun intended), I'm over 40 and happy to stay on the fringe of all these new social networking and texting technologies. So how bad could it be?

OH PLEASE. Now I post photos, give and accept "Flair" buttons, chat online, look for song quotes, eat online cupcakes, poke (and SuperPoke) people and might hyperventilate if I don't reach the acceptable "Lost" trivia level! (See my blog from April). And did I ever know that so many people cared about "My Lil Green Patch?!?" Well, they do!

The good news? It's great to catch up with old friends. It's neat to see a personal side of some of my favorite co-workers. I enjoy keeping in better touch with people than if I had to rely on old-fashioned letter-writing. I have fun with it and hopefully don't look like the techno-challenged geek that I really am! So if you've never tried Facebook, try it. I never thought I'd recommend anything like it. And if you're on Facebook, be sure to look me up and add me as a friend!

And BTW - the friend who invited me to Facebook, she never gets on it. It's like she gave me the drugs and then left me to deal with the addiction! Her loss, but I'll still get her for this!