Sunday, April 27, 2008

Totally Lost in "Lost"

I am a woman obsessed. With the TV show, "Lost." Sure, sure - when I was in college, I was into "All My Children" and "General Hospital" as much as the next co-ed. But I never taped them. I never went to websites about the show or the characters. I didn't make sure I was home from a fun evening out to see the show first-hand.

But I do with "Lost." I need spoiler alerts. I need to know why Ben and Charles Widmore are at odds. I need to know Desmond and Penny will be together always. I need to know why Hurley doesn't lose any weight. I need to know the cute labrador retriever won't be killed by the smoke monster. It's frightening. Not the show - ME!?!

I've instructed my husband to alert my friends if I ever try to post a theory on a "Lost" fan website. It's for my own good. Help me before I get lost again...

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