It was the day after Turkey Day and the only things stirring were the sounds of Christmas to come: plastic tubs full of Christmas decorations being dragged across the hardwoods, my husband cursing at the ever-unstraight tree top, a football game on TV that no one really cared to watch and me, wondering out loud if 11:30 a.m. was too early to crack open the Pinot Grigio.
On one of my husband's many trips to the garage for yet another unhelpful decorating tool, he hears a "squeak." Much to his surprise - by total "chance" - he finds the sweetest little constantly purring kitty following him around. Well, you can imagine that my husband, AKA "The PUNisher," named him Chance. Only 5 minutes after he arrived. He fell in love with Chance faster than a new Callaway driver.
Being the responsible one, I posted messages on our community e-mail boards and after a couple of weeks and no responses, we knew Chance was here to stay. Our older cats were beginning to figure out he wasn't leaving and he has actually given them a spark of playfulness that they heretofore hadn't exhibited at age 14. Chance also made friends with our dog, Chip - much to Chip's delight. (He's only used to the older cats ignoring and/or hissing at him.)
So we had a very Merry Christmas - by Chance!
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